Getting Started Resources: Resources for new students (undergraduate or postgraduate)

A few resources to get you started….

1. The Library homepage –

2. People

3. Guides

4. Library Search

5. The Library App

6. Your online reading/resource list (for taught modules)

7. Referencing

8. Linkedinlearning

1. The Library homepage
Contact details, opening hours, other services,  Library Search, Guides & Resources . Chat with us online if you have a question.
2. People
The Digital skills team provide training in the use of library resources – via Teams and in-person,  to classes and individuals. Email:
Staff in the Infozone, Main Library ; in Duncan of Jordanstone Library, Robertson medical Library & Fife Campus Library
Research Support provide support for open access publishing if you’re submitting an article mid-thesis; also with the process of uploading your Thesis for submission. Email

IT support –, also in the Infozone in the Main Library.
3. Guides
The Getting started guide,  Ebooks guide , Ejournals guide   and  Subject guides to resources (From Anatomy to Urban planning)
4. Library Search
Where we list resources that we purchase (books, journals, etc) – search by author, title, subject, date. It also includes journal articles from various databases, and open access resources.. Access the Interlibrary loan request form.

5. The Library App (part of the University App) 
Keep track of loans; view your module resource list; access the Chat service, display your barcode for entry to the Main Library. Also links to Help4U (IT support).

6. Your online reading/resource list (for taught modules) which will be linked from your MyDundee module. Created by your lecturers to support your learning. Access to online reading.

7. ReferencingCite them right – online. Shows (or reminds)  you how to reference books, films journals, theses , web pages, in various styles. Endnote is reference management software, available to download to your own computer from Help4u ( ) and Appsanywhere on the student desktop.

8. Linkedinlearning a database of short online video courses which you can do at your own pace – from technical courses on ‘R’, Data management, animation, graphic design, Microsoft excel, Teams to soft skills like Presentation skills, Listening, Communicating, Team building & working.






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