LGBT+ History month – film resources

Kanopy and  Box of Broadcasts (BoB) are both film streaming resources – both have  playlists/curated lists for LGBT+ films.

Kanopy  covers films and documentaries, they have a playlist International LGBT+ STUDIES ; the database is also searchable.

Login with your university username & password – accessible worldwide.

BoB public playlists are created by  users –  Strathclyde  have compiled one called LGBT Month 2023 #Behind the lens , focussing on Directors etc ;  LGBT+ on radio is a selection of radio broadcasts. To see more playlists, type LGBT in the search box in BoB, and select ‘public playlists’

You can create your own playlist in  BoB – by recording programmes, films & radio broadcasts listed in the programme guide; find previoulsy recorded material by searching BoB.  Log in with your University username  & password, BoB is restricted to access in the UK.

Subculture Archives  (click on ‘log-in via your Institution’ )- a collection of  “primary sources exploring 100 years of youth culture through the scenes, styles, and sounds that forged them. From Rave, Punk, Rockabilly to Grime” includes  video and oral histories, for instance Khakan Qureshi on growing up in Birmingham in the 1970’s & 1980’s.  We have this resource on trial, suggested by a DJCAD lecturer.





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