Main Library refurbishment update: area 2B opening November 2023

We are working to bring you an improved study space on the top floor of the Main Library in area 2B, due for completion in November 2023.

Some behind the scenes improvements are taking place as well as improvements you will be able to see when the area re-opens.

Before we began, we held consultations and surveys, the responses we received told us that the area should remain as silent study and we have worked on designing features which will bring an improved silent study space.

Behind the scenes

  • Improved insulation and ventilation to help with temperature regulation.
  • Upgraded network cables ensuring we future proof internet provision.

Improvements to the study space

  • Use of features as dividers to break up large silent study areas, this should help with noise travel.
  • Acoustic desk dividers to provide an individual study space and help absorb ambient noise.
  • 28 semi-enclosed study booths with individual lighting and shelf. The materials used to surround the booths have acoustic properties to help reduce background noise travel in the area.
  • Improved sound proofing on Willock room area.

Enhanced facilities

  • Hot and cold water kitchen facilities.
  • Low sensory break room.
  • Refreshed décor and furniture.
  • Some PCs will have dual monitors.
  • Docking monitors available to plug in your own laptop.



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