Introducing ‘high-spec’ PCs to the Main Library

Hi-spec PCs with dual monitors in the Wolfson 3 study space.

Library Services and DTS are excited to announce a significant improvement to the study space in Wolfson Room 3 in the Main Library. Working with our Campus Services (ECS) partners, we are providing 16 high-specification PCs equipped with dual monitors.

These state-of-the-art workstations are for all students and are designed to elevate your study experience by delivering the computing power necessary for resource-hungry engineering and design software. This further adds to a recent development where dual monitors were added to a number of workstations in the top floor silent study space for those who enjoy working with more screen space but don’t need additional computing power.



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One response to “Introducing ‘high-spec’ PCs to the Main Library”

  1. Maria avatar

    It’s lovely seen all the upgrades. Students are grateful, I bet

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