Green Libraries Week 2024: Our Commitment to Sustainability

As we celebrate Green Libraries Week 2024, we’re excited to showcase our ongoing efforts to promote sustainability, address green issues, and help the environment. At our library, we believe that small changes can make a big difference. Here’s how we’re working towards a greener future:

Our Current Sustainable Practices

Embracing Digital Solutions

  • e-Resources: We use digital resources to reduce the need for print materials, saving trees and reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Digital Signage: Information is shared on screens instead of printed posters, cutting down on paper waste.

Efficient Resource Management

  • Short Loan Collection: Our system maximises the usage of limited print items, reducing the need for multiple copies.
  • Library e-Van: Site transfers are done using our electric van, minimising our environmental impact.

Energy Conservation

  • Sensor-Activated Lighting: Energy-efficient lighting in book collection areas ensures we’re not wasting electricity.
  • Instant Hot Water Taps: By providing hot water on demand, we eliminate the need for energy-hungry kettles.

Waste Reduction and Recycling

  • Comprehensive Recycling Facilities: Every floor and site is equipped with recycling bins, making it easy for everyone to do their part.
  • Pen Recycling Stations: We’ve set up collection boxes for used pens, ensuring these hard-to-recycle items don’t end up in landfills.
  • Sustainable Materials: Our new carpet tiles are made from recyclable materials, and we use eco-friendly hessian fabric on bookends.

Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles

  • Eco-Friendly Kitchen Areas: We encourage users to bring their own utensils and make drinks or warm food in our shared kitchen spaces.
  • Water-Saving Taps: Push taps in kitchen areas help reduce water waste.
  • “Make Do and Mend”: Our CreateSpace hosts sessions to promote repairing and reusing items rather than discarding them.

Community Initiatives

  • CAN Mini Depot: This CreateSpace initiative serves as a depot for various community needs, promoting resource sharing and sustainability.
  • CreateLoan: Borrow tools and equipment instead of purchasing, encouraging a sharing economy and reducing consumption.

Looking Ahead: Establishing a Green Impact Group

We’re excited to announce the formation of a Green Impact Group! This team, with representatives from each site, will focus on:

  1. Identifying Wasteful Practices: We’ll conduct thorough audits to spot areas where we can improve.
  2. Implementing Sustainable Improvements: From energy-saving campaigns to promoting sustainable printing practices, we’re committed to continuous improvement.
  3. Engaging Our Community: We’ll explore creative ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and we want your input!

Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable library environment. Together, we can make a significant impact on our local community and beyond.

Have ideas for how we can be even greener? We’d love to hear from you! Drop your suggestions in our comments box or email us at

Let’s make every week Green Libraries Week!


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