An ORCID is a unique, digital identifier that connects you, your research, and your affiliations. Having one makes you easily identifiable as the author/creator of a research output, meaning you get the appropriate credit for it.

Your ORCID comes with an online profile that can be linked to systems like Discovery (the University of Dundee’s research repository). Once the two are linked, information added to Discovery automatically appears on your ORCID profile, saving time and increasing the accuracy of the information.

An ORCID stays with you wherever you go, so if you move to another institution your it can be used to transfer your research back catalogue from one repository to another. This make it easy for funding bodies, employers, and potential collaborators to see a verified and up-to-date record of your research as your career progresses.

Take a quick and simple step towards a more open research practice by getting an ORCID.

It can be created in less than 1 minute through your Discovery profile.

Step 1: Sign in to your Pure profile through the Discovery Portal










Step 2: Click “Edit Profile” and look for the section on ORCID IDs


Step 3: Fill in the form to create and connect your ORCID


Our Libguide has more information on ORCIDs, click the link to take a look – Persistent researcher identifier system: have you heard of ORCID®?

If you need help or have any questions about ORCIDs or other ways of making you research more open, please get in touch with Research Services with an email to