Diversity Initiative – Black History Month resource list

Two student societies – The Diversity Initiative  (TheDiversityInitiative@dundee.ac.uk)  and Afromedics  (AfroMedics@dundee.ac.uk) – have used our resource/reading list software (which powers module resource/reading lists)  to compile an annotated reading & viewing  list called Diversity Initiative- Black History Month containing  ‘a collection of fiction and factual texts and some videos’ . It’s divided into 4 sections,  with resources to be  released each week in October.   Why not have a look & see what they’re recommending?

Diversity Initiative -Black History Month resource List

Week 1: Reporting: The historical perspective of Black People.

Week 2: Relating: Putting History into context

Week 3: Reasoning: Lessons from lived experiences

Week 4: Reconstructing: Looking to the Future


Displays In Main Library, City Campus

When  you  visit the Main Library on City Campus you may  have noticed we have a book display in the Atrium just inside the doors.  The  ‘Black History month’ display is in the  two right hand bays.

On the far left the display gives information about  our ‘More books’ service  which you can use to recommend  titles which aren’t in stock,  but may be useful for your studies, dissertation, thesis or project.  See the Recommend a  Resource Libguide for further information.

Main Library Atrium Book Display' Black History Month' October 2021

Main Library Atrium Book Display’ Black History Month’ : October 2021 Photo Y.McK

Have a look  below  at the  the online version of the book display for Black History Month  or  have a look  in our ‘Recommend a Resource’ Libguide at the  Display  for Black History Month .   Click on a book jacket in the display to check availability – a lot of the titles will be e-books.