Category: Open Research Blog Series

  • Open Research Blog Series #3: Open at every stage

    The two contributions below are from researchers in different fields and at different stages of their careers. Chris is a senior lecturer and Open Research Lead for his School, while Calum is a postgraduate student at the early stage of a research project. Both used the Open Science Framework (OSF); a free open platform to support research and…

  • Open Research Blog Series #2: Research Metrics

    Keeping with this year’s Open Access Week theme of Community over Commercialisation, it is important to remember that the value of research outputs to the larger community cannot be measured using traditional bibliometrics alone.  Metrics alone cannot capture the full richness of academic contributions; they must be contextualised Meiko Makita, Health Sciences Open Research Lead,…

  • Open Access in Iran: Navigating Academic Barriers

    The theme for International Open Access Week 2024 is “Community over Commercialisation”. As part of the Library’s OA Week activities, we asked our research community to tell us about their experience of Open Access. One of the most compelling responses came from Mahtab and Fatemeh, two postgraduate researchers from Iran currently studying in Dundee. In…

  • Open Access Week 2024!

    Its International Open Access Week 2024 (21-27 October). The theme this year is “Community over commercialisation”, a continuation of last year’s theme emphasising the benefits of Open Access to the public and academic community. The theme is still appropriate for Open Access and Open Research at the University of Dundee as initiatives such as Library-led…