CLA Royalties  Data Collection Exercise – Photocopying

University of Dundee, 20 September – 5 November 2021

We (the University) hold a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) which allows us to photocopy and scan extracts from published works for use in teaching (either in class or as course packs sent out to students). It’s true that most material is scanned and made available from Resource Lists,  but photocopying is still allowed – and the University has 200+ multifunction devices (combined photocopies and scanners). Every few years the CLA surveys a sample of HE Institutions (our last survey was in 2012) and asks us to collect data on which titles/authors are being copied. This is to allow them to distribute Royalties to the people whose works have been copied – we pay an annual fee for the licence like other HE (and FE ) institutions, primary & secondary schools.

The survey will take place from 20th September – 5th November 2021. Posters have been  sent out to Schools & other Units for display beside each photocopier/scanner, along with an email to School Managers. The data is collected via an online survey form, when you make the copies  – there’s  a link and a QR code on the poster. An email will be sent out to schools, giving details on what should be recorded, along with the posters.

For further information  see CLA data collection exercise 20 September – 5th November 2021


Licence Co-ordinator: Richard Parsons, Director, LLC

Further information/ questions  – contact :