Essays, lab & project reports, presentations, posters, dissertation, thesis , research… – there’s a lot of writing at University.  Here  are some  resources to  help you with writing.

Help is available  from  Academic skills  ( who  offer sessions on academic writing – they do drop-ins and one to one sessions.   The Academic Librarian team  ( ) can help you find and use resources.

Stuck on a word?  – try the  Oxford English Dictionary  (OED for short).  It’s easy to look up online & will give you a word’s  definition, origins, usage.   Roget’s Thesuarus – or any English language Thesaurus – will help you vary the language you’re using by showing you words with similar meanings.   Find them in Library Search .

Referencing – how does Harvard work? Why Vancouver? Who’s OSCOLA?   Try Cite Them Right,  the online referencing  database with examples to work through for styles used across all disciplines.  Great if you’re new to referencing, or  need a refresher .    Cite Them right  is in the A-Z of Eresources,

Need to organise your references ?  Take a look at the Endnote Guide  –   Endnote saves your references in a searchable database,  can format them in various styles for direct input to your piece of writing.