Tag: Digital

  • Introducing ‘high-spec’ PCs to the Main Library

    These state-of-the-art workstations are for all students and are designed to elevate your study experience by delivering the computing power necessary for resource-hungry engineering and design software.

  • Kanopy – streaming Film resource accessible worldwide

      Kanopy is our latest streaming  film resource, (acquired in 2022)  and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, with a University of Dundee log in. It’s searchable, browsable by category (British /World cinema/ LGBTQ / Race ethnicity  & Identity/ Gender/ Human rights/Art & Architecture  and more) and  includes documentaries as well as film.  …

  • Resource lists & ordering – we’re back

    Just in time to say Happy New Year ! We’re back & ordering has restarted. We order as much material as possible as ebooks, but some subject  areas may  still have more print than online material.  Resource lists in draft  are due to be published this week, before the start of Semester on the 17th…