Tag: Discovery Research Portal

  • PGR Wellbeing Matters: Insights from a Unique Comic Strip – a guest blog post from Dr Sandra Oza, Doctoral Academy Manager at UoD.

    PGR Wellbeing Matters: Insights from a Unique Comic Strip – a guest blog post from Dr Sandra Oza, Doctoral Academy Manager at UoD.

    Postgraduate research can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s not without its challenges. From navigating the demands of academia to managing your personal life, the pressures can take a toll on your mental health and wellbeing. For this reason, the Doctoral Academy at the University of Dundee decided to create a comic strip about…

  • It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new UoD Open Access journal in this guest blog from Professor Divya Jindal-Snape

    Launch of the open access International Journal of Educational and Life Transitions (IJELT) Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) research centre is an international, interdisciplinary centre. TCELT’s vision is to have an impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for well-being through an…

  • It’s Open Access Week – find out about a new UoD Open initiative in this guest blog from Dr Mei Lan Fang

    Introducing the Integrated Knowledge Translation (IKT) Toolkit   International Open Access Week (October 25-31, 2021) is here, providing a great opportunity to highlight our Open Access initiatives at the University of Dundee.   Globally, in the last 20 years, great efforts have been made to ensure that people who can benefit from new knowledge (e.g.,…

  • Making your Researchfish submission easier

    The Project With the Researchfish submission period approaching, we embarked on a new project in Research Services, to help ease the administrative element of the Researchfish submission for our researchers. We heard of a new feature in Researchfish which allowed us to upload publication data linked to awards and started to explore the possibilities using…

  • Increase your online visibility with a Discovery Profile

     Pure and Discovery Pure is the software that underpins Discovery, the University’s public facing institutional repository, and the portal through which a global audience can view the results of the University’s activities and research. It also provides a personalised platform for staff and research students to build a profile to showcase their work. Who has…

  • Highlighting COVID-19 related research at the University of Dundee

    A new feature has been implemented on the Discovery Research Portal, which highlights research related to the current COVID-19 pandemic. A clickable banner has been added, which provides access to COVID-19 related research and expertise from within the University, including profiles of researchers, details of research outputs, activities, and funded projects.

  • Introduction to Research & Resources

    The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information directorate supports learning, teaching, and research activities across the University of Dundee’s ten Schools and all their diverse disciplines. Within our LLC&CI directorate, the Research and Resources Division contributes by managing a complex array of licenses, software, services, physical and electronic resources. This work is reliant…