Tag: Resource Lists

  • Expanding Your Academic Resources: More Books

    When it comes to navigating academic resources, lecturers play a pivotal role in guiding students towards essential materials. One such tool is the resources list, compiled to support each taught module. So, what happens when students need additional resources or require more information on specific topics? Student demand often dictates the acquisition of additional resources.…

  • Supporting the  Inclusive Curriculum

    As reported in the Staff Newsletter of 26/1/2022, the LLC has set aside £5,000 which can be used to purchase books/resources to support the  Inclusive Curriculum,  equality & diversity as it relates to modules in your discipline – as well as the usual method of adding titles to your online module reading list.  The fund…

  • Getting Started Resources: Resources for new students (undergraduate or postgraduate)

    A few resources to get you started…. 1. The Library homepage –  www.dundee.ac.uk/library 2. People 3. Guides 4. Library Search 5. The Library App 6. Your online reading/resource list (for taught modules) 7. Referencing 8. Linkedinlearning

  • Resource lists & ordering – we’re back

    Just in time to say Happy New Year ! We’re back & ordering has restarted. We order as much material as possible as ebooks, but some subject  areas may  still have more print than online material.  Resource lists in draft  are due to be published this week, before the start of Semester on the 17th…

  • Black History Month II – Diversity Initiative reading list & Displays in Main Library

    Diversity Initiative – Black History Month resource list Two student societies – The Diversity Initiative  (TheDiversityInitiative@dundee.ac.uk)  and Afromedics  (AfroMedics@dundee.ac.uk) – have used our resource/reading list software (which powers module resource/reading lists)  to compile an annotated reading & viewing  list called Diversity Initiative- Black History Month containing  ‘a collection of fiction and factual texts and some…

  • Resource Lists

    Support for Resource Lists The LLC are keen to support everyone currently preparing, sharing, or linking Resource Lists for the coming academic year. This is intended to signpost the help available and provide information for common tasks. Reading Lists have been renamed as Resources Lists to better reflect the diverse and online content on lists…