About this Blog

This is the blog for SIPR (Scottish Institute for Policing Research), a collaboration of universities and Police Scotland committed to developing and communicating high quality independent research in policing. Many of this blog’s contributors are members of SIPR based in universities or police agencies, although we are also happy to feature contributions from SIPR’s broader networks and associates.

This blog has three purposes:

◦     to expand and extend critical debate nationally and internationally about current matters of policing practice, learning and leadership
◦     to promote the use of research evidence in policing practice and policy
◦     to share knowledge about policing among police practitioners and leaders, researchers, educators, policy makers and community.

Because SIPR members use a wide range of research perspectives and methods, we try to feature this diversity in our blog. We believe that important information for policing can come from in-depth research that may use ethnographic, narrative, arts-based or other qualitative methods; historical research; critical and feminist approaches; as well as evaluative, quantitative, or controlled trials and intervention methods. The blog focuses on the three main topic areas of SIPR research:

  1. Police-Community Relations
 focusing on the relationships between police and different social, cultural and economic communities.
  2. Evidence and Investigation 
focusing on the role of the police in the recovery, interpretation and effective use of intelligence and evidence in the investigation of crime.
  3. Education and Leadership
 focusing on the internal dynamics of police organisations, including issues of management, policy and leadership.
  4. Public Protection
 focusing on research on policing and public protection and links with other bodies to influence policy and practice.

Our main aim is to communicate research and promote dialogue to enhance understanding and impact.  The blog posts represent the views of the author(s), which are not necessarily the position of SIPR, its Executive Committee and Board of Governance, or the University of Dundee.

The blog is run by the Scottish Institute for Policing Research, University of Dundee.

SIPR Director: Professor Nick Fyfe, University of Dundee n.r.fyfe@dundee.ac.uk

SIPR Blog Managing Editor: Tim Heilbronn, SIPR, University of Dundee, UK


The SIPR Blog – Would you like to contribute?

We are interested in posts that address one of our key themes of research in Police-Community Relations, Evidence and Investigation, or Police Education and Leadership.

Posts range in length but should be relatively brief, clear and inviting.

Our audience is also wide-ranging: not just researchers in various disciplines but also policy makers, police practitioners and leaders, educators, and the public.

We may offer small suggestions for tweaking your blog, but generally we want to feature diverse voices, styles, views, and research insights. Send your blog draft to Tim Heilbronn: T.D.Heilbronn@dundee.ac.uk

Please note that blogs cannot be posted anonymously.

Here are some informal rules for our blogs. Each one will:

  • explain a particular insight or piece of evidence from research (yours or others), showing how it can be useful in policing
  • be about 350-800 words in length
  • use accessible, jargon-free language
  • provide a copyright-free image (see below) – and please provide any information you have about the photographer or name of the photo
  • provide at least 3+ ‘tag’ keywords
  • might provide a link to a longer piece of writing.

Copyright free images can be found at sites like these, or just use your own photos.


