How thrilling to arrive at the Women’s Library today to find that we have our first piece of tweeted flash fiction. Here it is :-
During the day, three further submissions have appeared on the GWL Twitterfeed. I am overcome with excitement.
Having done some more publicity via the website and Twitter today, the prompt will remain the one which appears below until next Friday 15th February. A compilation of the stories inspired by this prompt will then be published on the GWL website next week, at which point I shall choose a different image from the wonderful GWL archive to whet the creative appetite and inspire new submissions.
Please consider writing and tweeting a piece. Share with your friends and encourage them to participate too. It’s fun! If you are not a Twitter user, feel free to e-mail your response to
Just use the above image as inspiration – and tell your story in up to 240 characters
#FlashFictionFriday @womenslibrary
Chris Hodghton
Fantastic! Sounds like its progressing really well, Sue.