Category: Library resources

  • Re-animating a Pictish Fort – DJCAD collaboration with University of Aberdeen

    The BBC reported (1/11/21) on the excavation of  a Pictish fort in the village of Burghead, Moray, on the North-east coast of Scotland, carried out by the University of Aberdeen.  Alice Watterson, Kieran Duncan and Kieran Baxter,  (from Communication  Design at DJCAD)  created the 3D animation of how the fort might have looked using data…

  • It’s International Open Access Week – find out about the new UoD Open Access journal in this guest blog from Professor Divya Jindal-Snape

    Launch of the open access International Journal of Educational and Life Transitions (IJELT) Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) research centre is an international, interdisciplinary centre. TCELT’s vision is to have an impact on international research, policy and practice in the context of educational and life transitions, and their implications for well-being through an…

  • It’s Open Access Week – find out about a new UoD Open initiative in this guest blog from Dr Mei Lan Fang

    Introducing the Integrated Knowledge Translation (IKT) Toolkit   International Open Access Week (October 25-31, 2021) is here, providing a great opportunity to highlight our Open Access initiatives at the University of Dundee.   Globally, in the last 20 years, great efforts have been made to ensure that people who can benefit from new knowledge (e.g.,…

  • Black History Month II – Diversity Initiative reading list & Displays in Main Library

    Diversity Initiative – Black History Month resource list Two student societies – The Diversity Initiative  (  and Afromedics  ( – have used our resource/reading list software (which powers module resource/reading lists)  to compile an annotated reading & viewing  list called Diversity Initiative- Black History Month containing  ‘a collection of fiction and factual texts and some…

  • Black History Month

    October is ‘Black History month’ allowing a focus on resources related to Black History – see the  Black History Month Scotland  site for information  relating to Scotland,  the UK Black History Month website  and  have a look at this clip on ‘The Social ‘ from BBC Scotland, introducing ‘Black History month’. Online University of Dundee…

  • How far did they travel? Post-graduate research theses, 2020.

    Happy New Year from LLC Research Services! Those of you with an eye on Twitter will have noticed that at the end of 2020 @UoDOpenResearch put out a series of tweets highlighting our most downloaded theses. The information was taken from IRUS, a service which allows us to track downloads from the Discovery Research Portal…

  • Resource Lists

    Support for Resource Lists The LLC are keen to support everyone currently preparing, sharing, or linking Resource Lists for the coming academic year. This is intended to signpost the help available and provide information for common tasks. Reading Lists have been renamed as Resources Lists to better reflect the diverse and online content on lists…

  • Increase your online visibility with a Discovery Profile

     Pure and Discovery Pure is the software that underpins Discovery, the University’s public facing institutional repository, and the portal through which a global audience can view the results of the University’s activities and research. It also provides a personalised platform for staff and research students to build a profile to showcase their work. Who has…

  • Additional online content from JSTOR

      Library search provides access to a vast range of online resources, and during the COVID-19 period, some of our publishers and online suppliers have provided additional content, to help students who are currently unable to visit the Library buildings. One of these suppliers is JSTOR, an organization established in 1995 to digitise the older…