Category: Library support

  • Library Services Annual Survey

    Library Services are committed to understanding users’ experiences of the Library and have commissioned Life Pulse – an online survey specially developed for University Libraries in the UK. From 1 November, you will receive an email inviting you to take part by completing the online survey. We want to hear the views of as many…

  • Unlocking the Power of Creative Commons Licenses for Academic Researchers 

    In today’s academic landscape, sharing research findings is essential for progress and innovation. Researchers dedicate significant time and effort to their work, and Creative Commons (CC) licenses offer a means to share research openly while safeguarding intellectual property. This blog delves into the advantages of using CC licenses in academia, highlighting how they can amplify…

  • Academic Integrity Week

    This week, 16 – 20 October, is Academic Integrity Week at the university, and Wednesday 18th is the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity. Each year, the International Center for Academic Integrity runs a “day of action“. This year, it’s the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity. (In the past, it’s been called the International Day of…

  • LLC&CI Scholarly Resources for 20/21

    The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information are working to increase the provision of online resources for blended module delivery and to create new routes to physical resources in the run up to 20/21. This is a complex mix including system updates, national procurement frameworks, reviews of existing provision, return to campus processes,…