Category: News

  • CLA Royalties Data Collection Exercise – Photocopying, University of Dundee 20th September – 5th November 2021

      CLA Royalties  Data Collection Exercise – Photocopying University of Dundee, 20 September – 5 November 2021 We (the University) hold a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) which allows us to photocopy and scan extracts from published works for use in teaching (either in class or as course packs sent out to students).…

  • Highlighting COVID-19 related research at the University of Dundee

    A new feature has been implemented on the Discovery Research Portal, which highlights research related to the current COVID-19 pandemic. A clickable banner has been added, which provides access to COVID-19 related research and expertise from within the University, including profiles of researchers, details of research outputs, activities, and funded projects.

  • LLC&CI Scholarly Resources for 20/21

    The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information are working to increase the provision of online resources for blended module delivery and to create new routes to physical resources in the run up to 20/21. This is a complex mix including system updates, national procurement frameworks, reviews of existing provision, return to campus processes,…

  • Introduction to Research & Resources

    The Library & Learning Centre and Culture & Information directorate supports learning, teaching, and research activities across the University of Dundee’s ten Schools and all their diverse disciplines. Within our LLC&CI directorate, the Research and Resources Division contributes by managing a complex array of licenses, software, services, physical and electronic resources. This work is reliant…