Tag Archives: interprofessional practice

Searching for missing people: consolidating research and knowledge exchange between Scotland and Sweden

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Written by Dr Penny Woolnough, Abertay University & Associate Director for the SIPR Evidence & Investigation Network, in collaboration with Dr Rebecca Stenberg, Linköping University and Dr Maria Wolmesjö, University of Borås. Police in the UK receive approximately 300,000 reports of … Continue reading

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Reflections on the CEBCP International Summer School

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By Katie Gambier-Ross and Kate Thomson In June 2018, nine PhD students attended the SIPR – Centre for Evidence Based Crime Policy International Policing Scholar Summer School (IPSSS) at George Mason University in Virginia, USA. Eight of us are currently … Continue reading

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‘You’ve just got to deal with it as best you can’ : Policing in mental health emergency

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By: Tara Fenwick Professor of Education and Director of ProPEL, University of Stirling. Mental health emergency typically involves both police and paramedics. They often work together in tandem at the scene, then later with hospital admissions staff, psychiatric nurses and … Continue reading

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