Tag Archives: evidence-based

Evidence-based policing…the importance of good quality data

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Written by Dr Kath Murray, University of Edinburgh: In a recent plea to academics and journalists, Scottish Police Federation Representative David Hamilton asked that we ‘use our data responsibly’. He observes that the data used to inform primary academic research may be … Continue reading

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Evidence-based policing…use our data responsibly!

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By David Hamilton, Scottish Police Federation   In recent years, the contribution to policing practice and policy by academia in Scotland has become better recognised and actively encouraged. Now terms such as ‘evidence based policing’ are common place, understood and being … Continue reading

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SIPR and police-academic partnerships: addressing the paradox of policing research?

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Written by: Professor Nicholas Fyfe, Director, Scottish Institute for Policing Research. Just over 50 years ago Michael Banton undertook a pioneering sociological study of policing that drew on research with officers in Edinburgh City Police and at the Scottish Police … Continue reading

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