Author Archives: Nicholas Fyfe

Why is technology not being better used in policing?

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By:  Jim Fraser, Professor and Director of Centre for Forensic Science, University of Strathclyde.      In October 2014 SIPR hosted the Scottish international policing conference on the theme of technology, policing and criminal justice. The conference was a great success … Continue reading

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‘You’ve just got to deal with it as best you can’ : Policing in mental health emergency

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By: Tara Fenwick Professor of Education and Director of ProPEL, University of Stirling. Mental health emergency typically involves both police and paramedics. They often work together in tandem at the scene, then later with hospital admissions staff, psychiatric nurses and … Continue reading

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How do You Get Procedural Justice? Train the Police!

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By: Professor Wesley G. Skogan, The Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, USA ( A very large body of research has demonstrated the importance of procedural justice in shaping the legitimacy of police in the eyes of the public. We … Continue reading

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Good practice based in good evidence needs good implementation

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Written by Professor Betsy Stanko*, Head, Evidence and Insight, Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, London Successful implementation of new ideas and of using evidence-based findings often confront ‘traditional’ approaches to the ‘way we do things around here’.  We don’t … Continue reading

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American and Scottish Policing Research – commentary on a joint SIPR-GMU Symposium.

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Written by Dr Liz Aston, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Edinburgh Napier University. In October 2014 I attended a joint Scottish Institute for Policing Research and George Mason University research symposium, supported by the Scottish Government. I was invited to present … Continue reading

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Why “more research is needed” on police technology is not simply an academic cliché

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  Written by: Cynthia Lum and Christopher Koper, George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Technology has become a major force in law enforcement, and has been one of the primary targets of public expenditures for the police. Police … Continue reading

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“Trying to catch soap in the bath” Observations on getting to the core of the slippery idea of community policing

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Written by Dr Alistair Henry, Associate Director (SIPR) and Lecturer in Criminology (University of Edinburgh). It was the late Tom Williamson who characterised efforts to define or “pin down” community policing as being like “trying to catch soap in the … Continue reading

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SIPR and police-academic partnerships: addressing the paradox of policing research?

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Written by: Professor Nicholas Fyfe, Director, Scottish Institute for Policing Research. Just over 50 years ago Michael Banton undertook a pioneering sociological study of policing that drew on research with officers in Edinburgh City Police and at the Scottish Police … Continue reading

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