Author Archives: Nicholas Fyfe

The proliferation of legal highs in Edinburgh – a partnership response

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Written by Neil Wilson, Police Scotland.  Neil presented at the SIPR Conference in November as part of our “Policing Vulnerable People and Vulnerable Places” Conference, and at our invitation has written this report on Edinburgh’s initiative: The term ‘legal high’ … Continue reading

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The Police, the Media, and Accountability

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Written by: Heather Horsburgh, PhD student at University of the West of Scotland, and Winner of the SIPR / Police Scotland Postgraduate Student Prize for the Best Poster Presentation at the Postgraduate Student Symposium held on 30th June 2015. The … Continue reading

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On bridging a (misconceived) gap between research and practice

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  Written by: Ioan Fazey, Professor in Social Dimensions of Environmental Change. Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience, University of Dundee   The April 2015 blog by Professor Betsy Stanko on the need for good implementation in addition to good … Continue reading

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A police response to women with an insecure immigration status experiencing domestic abuse

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Written by Elaine McLaughlin, PhD student at Glasgow Caledonian University, and Winner of the SIPR / Police Scotland Postgraduate Student Prize for the best presentation at the Postgraduate Student Symposium held on 30th June 2015. Women from the South Asian … Continue reading

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Evidence-based policing…the importance of good quality data

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Written by Dr Kath Murray, University of Edinburgh: In a recent plea to academics and journalists, Scottish Police Federation Representative David Hamilton asked that we ‘use our data responsibly’. He observes that the data used to inform primary academic research may be … Continue reading

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Time to re-invigorate local service delivery

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With his kind permission, we reproduce this post by Chief Superintendent Niven Rennie, President, Association of Scottish Police Superintendents. Whilst travelling to a meeting the other morning I was listening to a BBC Radio Scotland ‘phone in’ programme which featured the new Chief … Continue reading

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What’s the evidence?

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Written by Professor Gloria Laycock, UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science.   There is, in case anyone missed it, a current vogue for evidence based everything – medicine, teaching, early interventions, dealing with the elderly – and of course crime … Continue reading

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Evidence-based policing…use our data responsibly!

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By David Hamilton, Scottish Police Federation   In recent years, the contribution to policing practice and policy by academia in Scotland has become better recognised and actively encouraged. Now terms such as ‘evidence based policing’ are common place, understood and being … Continue reading

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Community Resilience – Why should police be involved?

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By: Inspector Ian Wallace, Divisional Coordinator, Police Scotland. Day 5…no electricity, no food, no money, no fuel, no mobiles or landlines – a desperate situation. This was the crisis the islanders on Bute found themselves in January 2012.   Resulting lessons … Continue reading

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‘The Politics of the Police’: Politicians and Policing in Scotland Today

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By Professor Kenneth Scott, SIPR Associate. In 1984, in the Preface to the first edition of his seminal work, The Politics of the Police, Robert Reiner bluntly stated that ‘policing in Britain has become thoroughly politicised.’  This was in the … Continue reading

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